Assistive robots aim at developing aids to improve the qualities of human’s life with any sort of disabilities issues. It can also be used to enhance independent living, such as helping the elderly. They also are capable of providing mobility to elderly who has trouble getting around.
Robotic head to drill wells in the ground by explosive charges with the cumulative intermediate medium - water, allows a very fast drill hole at any ground, an average of approx. 300m -700m ,daily. Basic element of the head is shaped charge explosive ending conical tank with water.
Walker for Paraplegics
What is proposed is a walking device for paraplegics wherein the person is supported on the chair portion and stabilized with waist straps. Two of the legs are hinged at the knee. As the person shifts their upper body weight backward, the legs swing forward and backward.
The RoFo FÚTBOL BevDisHeadgear beverage dispenser. Made of lightweight food-grade quality plastic, Linear Low Density Polyethylene (PET). Weights approximately 1½ pounds EMPTY, and about 5½ pounds FULL. Holds and dispenses around 67.6 fl oz, roughly 6 - 12 fl oz glasses of refreshment (6 Pack/Pint). Now that’
The invention (US patent application 14/093,431, the patent to be issued shortly) relates to heat engines and, more specifically, to positive displacement internal combustion engines, and is particularly concerned with very large rotary internal combustion engines fueled by solid particulate fuels like coal dust. The engines are primarly destined to drive electric current generators,
The advantages of this engine are that it is simple in design, easy and economical to manufacture, and has a lower parts count. In addition, it has low weight per horsepower output, it is compact, indifferent to overload and stall, and can be adapted to diesel, gasoline, natural gas, air or steam configurations.
Theory Statement
If we have two bowls, one is larger named as ‘Paraat (Hindi word)’ is full with liquid (water) and another one bowl (is made with aluminium) has smaller diameter and height. Smaller bowl partially filled and floating on larger bowl’s water surface. Water has been supplied from small diameter pipe (filter pipe, diameter 0.75 mm).
Potholes and manhole covers are a huge annoyance for every driver. Potholes require a full crew, time and equipment to repair. Manhole covers often aren't in line with the pavement and can't be covered with blacktop in order to maintain serviceability.
According to the EPA, about 12 million tires are currently used in rubberized asphalt. California,
Air pollution kills 7 million people annually and has been linked to increased incidence of respiratory conditions. Exacerbation of respiratory disease symptoms due to air pollution is prevalent, affecting 90% of people with asthma. However, healthy people are also affected.
RVCR is a seed-machine kinematics that has various downstream applications in engines, renewable energy power generators and utility machines. RVCR enables a feature called ‘VCR’ (Variable compression Ratio) which specially revolutionises engines. The VCR feature has been long pursed by almost all major Engine Industry Players and various ‘VCR’ Engine test models have been tested,
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