Sustainable Technologies
The present invention's primary-embodiment is a sand-anchored, double-layered flexible fiber-reinforced plastic-barrier which can be used to sequester liquids released from chemical, nuclear or sewage processing-plants, and to capture oil and gases that might be released from underwater-oil-drilling-platforms,
This work presents the experimental investigation of improved inclined solar still. Many researchers going for various configurations in-order to improve the efficiency and also for augmentation of fresh water from the solar still.
Key Words
2-Stroke internal combustion Engine, Neodymium permanent magnet, Superconducting levitation, Electromagnetic engine.
Research and/or Engineering Questions/Objective
The internal combustion engine has been the foundation for the successful development of many commercial technologies.
Damage from the ozone hole:
When human skin is exposed to a great deal of UV damage can happen in the nuclei of cells
Foreign epidermis of the skin center DNA
• occurrence of premature aging and poisoning the blood and nervous exhaustion :::
Despite all this clamor among the environmentalists about the real and imaginary flip-sides of using fossil fuels and the need to shift to alternate sources of energy, the world remains heavily reliant on the three main types of fossil fuels, i.e. coal, oil and natural gas.
Natural gas liquid (NGL) Recovery from Packaged Compressors
The disparity between the price of natural gas liquid (NGL) and natural gas has heightened the importance to recover NGL from oil and gas production equipment. Concurrently, new oil discoveries, such as the Bakken and Utica oil fields,
My invention is simple; I just haven't had the money to see if it works. It is called a fluid dynamic generator. It uses the simple refrigeration cycle except a condenser and evaporator are replaced with two cold plates, one hot and one cold.
For over 34 years I have proposed the following "free lunch" solution to Global Warming without requiring any increase in US taxes or change in lifestyles.
The increasing demand for electricity and limited supply of fuel calls for the need of alternative sources of energy. Through this project, we display a method to light up the street lights and suburbs close to highways by extracting the impulse energy on the speed bumps by the automobiles.
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