The salsa market is in a recession. The only options are glass jars that do not adequately solve the issue of consuming the recommended weekly serving of salsa. Glass is used simply because it has a larger shelf life,
Robot is a machine to execute different task repeatedly with high precision. Thereby many functions like collecting information and studies about the hazardous sites which is too risky to send human inside. Robots are used in different types like fire fighting robot, metal detecting robot, etc.
Small, inexpensive, hand-held satellite terminals, similar to older cellphones (flip-phones) in size, configuration and cost, can bring literacy-training to all corners of the world. The devices would function in a text-only mode with twitter-like limitations on message-size and message-frequency.
Satellites Authorize a "Go" for Vertical Takeoffs:
An 'Automated' Air Traffic Control System Concept
The Next Generation Air Transportation System or NextGen is implementing or plans to implement a satellite-based air-traffic control system across the United States.
Gasoline engines with separately operating injectors, for the direct injection of fuel in each cylinder, represent the present state-of-the-art.
Studies at UC-Davis in 2007 have demonstrated that parasitic infestation(s) are a contributing factor in the onset of ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’ in honeybee populations, natiowide. According to the USDA,
Known Problem:
Clean water is becoming a scarcer commodity, even near large bodies of water. Desalinization processes are expense to implement and very expensive to maintain. Scaling current designs is difficult.
Using hydrogen fuel cell technology,
Recent research conducted has shown that there is an increasing trend among the world’s white-collar population. Due to the rapidly expanding industries, people in the middle income group are getting busier. Consequently, this group of people would need help in reducing their workload at home. Hence,
It is an innovative sea wave energy converter.
Although there are many systems for converting motion of the waves, this device is innovative because the particular mechanism adopted allows the conversion into electrical energy of the waves in any direction.
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