This concept represents, in terms of probable deterred economic loses, a beneficial design development undertaking. U.S.F.A. states that between 1997 and 2006, 58.5 million acres of wildland was lost to fire at a cost of hundreds of lives and billions of dollars in economic value.
Modular HydroPower (MHP) for Developing Countries
This is a new generation of renewable energy systems for developing nations or in remote locations to provide hydrokinetic electrical power for health care, commerce, education and for domestic microenterprises. MHP units preassembled,
Monorail Air Cushion Ultra High Speed (MAC-UHS) Transportation System
Using a combination of well-known and proven technologies, a highly cost-effective and innovative solution to ultra high-speed passenger train transportation is presented.
I propose to put elevated Monorail service between cities along the Highway medians. This would start on short runs, and eventually connect the entire country just like the Highway system does now.
I see many advantages to this setup.
- Access is already in place.
While driving on the highways, quite often we come across messages displayed on electronic sign boards either over head or on the side of the road. Sometimes they could be running messages. The message could be an Amber Alert, a Traffic Alert or any other important message.
My idea is self explanatory, I believe that buiding on what has come along so far and incorporating these things into 1 tool is exactly what the parenting world needs. I am working on a multifunctional pacifier for babies.
A system for displaying multiple video/audio programs from at least one database of stored video/audio segments such that the program displayed is a non-repeating permutation of such stored segments each time the program is run. That is, each time the system is operated,
Space flight, satellite communication, and global navigation have become ubiquitous parts of our lives. The uses for space technology grow with each passing day, and there is a pressing need to continuously innovate the ways in which we access space.
We need the right filter in every sphere of life, have a dream for a universal filter which is user & environmently friendly, applicable everywhere changing minimum parts or consumables to reduced inventory, variable of filtration, finer to faster, helps worker to put valuable time and attention to productivity,
There are over 140,000 people living with upper limb loss in the United States today and 1 in 12 new amputations are of the upper limb. In a study examining the employment history of 1630 upper extremity amputees,
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