Entrant Profile

Kalyan Roy

Location: Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra India

Company: Suzikline

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: never

Favorite design and analysis tools: General and normal design tool and software. I like to make sketches by hand quickly to put the dream in few lines and keep on making changes as I feel to beter the same unless I feel it great.

For managing CAD data Kalyan's company uses: Autocad 2000 etc.

Hobbies and activities: Design, Writing, Editing etc.

Inspired by: From my child hood I used to use my daddy's tpool box and create something out of old broken toys. My inspiration is my dady and his toolbox and my mothers inspiration on writing things to express the world to the world.

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/28 Multiple Purpose Filter Machinery & Equipment 4228 1