Entrant Profile

Iskender Kutlucinar

Location: Kensington, Maryland United States

Company: Partech, LLC.

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Hobbies and activities: Sailing, Power Boati, Scuba diving, Invent.

Online communities: SAE

Inspired by: One of my patent's section was used by Mercedes F1 team, it was my 1996 Patent, they called the engine "Mercedes Magic Engine". After Mercedes studied my patent they imitated my 1996 patent lowering the frontal drag, smaller Intercooler lovering technologies.
Mercedes used this engine all over the world but not in USA. When my patent expired on September, 2016 Mercedes showed up in USA to race and win on October, 2016. This is a big problem with most magazines that I wrote and never got any response back from any of them nor any recognition from Mercedes F1 team. So after this disappointment I decide to move on to my new ideas and that is my new HOBBY. We Turks do not get mad we get even by succeeding! I hope to get some votes so we can save millions of gallons of fuel to fisherman and pleasure boater. Means Less polutions.

2018 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/27 H2O to H2 and O! Sustainable Technologies 1739 1