LiqFric - The Future of Friction - Time for a Model Change

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Todays friction materials for automotive brakes are high volume, high temperature, high pressure produced industrial goods. LiqFric has created a new way to produce automotive brake pads at temperature not exceeding approx. 100°C and showing high performance friction capabilities (µ = 0,45) while reducing the ultra fine particle emission by approx. 40% in comparison to organic state of the art automotive friction materials.

Tests conducted with OEM's in regards to AKM, wear, corrosion and performace on GC-iron discs have shown alike and in case of high temperature applications better performce due to the thermal stability of the used inorganic polymer.

Said materials can be cast instead of pressed which leads to a further reduction in energy consumtion during the process. The casting allows to use tailormade non-steel mould which gives significant benefits to speed and cost-efficiency.

The team could show on the occasion of the EuroBrake that said material can be used in additive manufacturing with-in and with-out casting tools.

We are at current also integrating sensor-type of electronics into the friction material, with a brake manufacturing partner, to learn more about the brake system in off-braking modes and more. This can only be done because we found a way to integrate the sensors in the brakepad manufacturing process while the materials are still liquid and castable. In this context of outmost importance is a low curing temperature which allows the pads to cure while the electronic components are not effected by the curing temperatures.

From a prototyping point of view it is extremely easy to change design of moulds and pads as the use of non steel-type of forms allows 3D-printing of a mould and using these for the final casting opperations.

We are in preparation for smal serial production by the end of 2025 to enable our company to grow into serial manufacturing in 2026.

We are a start-up with now 5 semi-permanent people and have financed our work so far via consulting and charging for our prototypes our values development partners.

We thank you for the opportunity to show our case here.


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  • Name:
    Roman Milczarek
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    • Niels Wittig
    • ute Wittig
  • Patent status: