Software Program for the Promotion of Countries in the International Maritime Organization

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175 Coastal States are currently members to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 10 countries are members to Category A of the IMO Council, 10 in Category B, and 20 in Category C, the good your Government at the time being not include any category of Council at IMO.

The coastal countries around the world are thus competing to promote their status and be elected into higher categories or member of categories of the IMO Council.

For this purpose, and using the unique solutions presented below, our company is able to assist the your Government at first member council category C and then in achieving a higher status within the IMO Council and the global maritime community, and even win the chairmanship of a number of specialized maritime committees and sub-committees held within the IMO framework. The mentioned solution include:

Presenting maritime inventions and innovations at IMO specialized committees, and their mass production: At the time being, our company offers 4 exclusive specialized inventions in the maritime field, which has been sought for partnership, production or exclusive ownership by different countries, including South Korea, UAE, Iran, US, etc., so that they can enjoy the prominent advantages offered by them. This company is prepared to transfer the above inventions to the your Government, present them at relevant IMO committees, mass produce them for use on board different vessels, and thus promote the maritime status of SWISS in the Region and the world (Please see Appendix 3 for the relevant proposal).

Development of software systems for monitoring and management of maritime safety operations, such as SAR or marine pollution response under the Flag, and then offering them on a humanitarian basis to different countries through your Government: Our special team has prepared two exclusive software packages regarding maritime safety, one for maritime search and rescue, and one for marine pollution response. These packages include 6 special modules, which provide live access to data required for such maritime operations. It is our proposal that as the first step, swiss offers the software to ROPME States, and then proceed to offer the same to other IMO members as well, under the name and title of the your Government. In this manner, your good country will be highlighted exponentially at the cutting edges of maritime technology among coastal states, who will be indebted to the Government as long as they use the mentioned software.

Preparation and publication of books and documents in expert maritime fields of IMO activity, under the name of the your Government: This company is further prepared to develop expert books, manuals, and documents, and present them through your Government to different IMO committees and sub- committees. In this manner, your good government will be established and confirmed as one of the leading maritime states, and can offer higher maritime status for your government. Among our previous works, one could mentioned numerous documents for New Zealand, Iran, etc., as well as an IMO Model Course, as presented in the appendices.



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  • Name:
    Mohammad Mahdavi Gorabi
  • Type of entry: