Electromagnetic Field Sword

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In the future, the electromagnetic field sword may find its way into the manufacturing industry for a specific task or into covert military units as a side weapon, but its initial marketing will be to enthusiast and collectors. Modeled after a Jedi’s lightsaber from the fictional ‘Star Wars’ universe, this digital concept could supply the building blocks to bring a fan-favorite sci-fi relic into reality.

Since the theatrical release of ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’ in 1977, many inventors have attempted to create the first fully functioning lightsaber. One attempt to create a lightsaber actually developed an impressive handheld torch which required the operator to harness a backpack-style contraption that contains the gaseous fuel needed to operate it. Another noteworthy attempt actually developed a high-powered flashlight that had the ability to burn objects. Unfortunately, neither of these designs mimicked the functionality of a lightsaber as it was portrayed on the big screen.

The primary difference between the Star Wars’ lightsaber and the electromagnetic field sword is the presents of the fictional Kyber crystal. The electromagnetic field sword instead utilizes a specifically configured diamagnetic field cylinder which was designed to pressurize magnetic field lines within the cylinder. When the adjustable diamagnetic nozzle’s central passage aligns with the primary magnet’s north magnetic pole, the primary magnet’s magnetic field is offered an exit which allows internal pressure to decrease. Since the primary magnet’s magnetic field is bound to the magnet for which it cycles, a closed electrical path is always maintained and a limited linear reach is eventually discovered. This means as the primary magnet’s magnetic field exits from the cylinder along a linear path, it also has to form a spiraling path back into the cylinder to maintain the closed electrical loop. The blade’s total reach is ultimately controlled by the electromagnetic field mass of the primary magnet. At the location within the cylinder where the linear path and the spiraling return path intersect, an electrical reaction is generated as these two opposing currents become entangled. Entanglement along this axis and at this location allows any electrical resistance that may have been generated from the release of electromagnetic field lines to reduce back to zero once the electromagnetic field sword’s total blade length is reached. This electrical reaction itself creates small electrical sparks within the cylinder which releases light waves from the cylinder. These light waves become captured between the linear path and the spiraling return path which will allow the electromagnetic field sword’s blade to become visible as it becomes illuminated. Once the adjustable diamagnetic nozzle is pull out of alignment with the primary magnet’s north pole, the primary magnet’s magnetic field is retracted into the cylinder in order to re-establish a closed internal field cycle which re-pressurizes the diamagnetic field cylinder.

The electromagnetic field sword is an untested conceptual design that requires small steps and safe manufacturing practices when producing a working prototype. Also, since this is not a toy, it should be handled with care and with respect.


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  • Name:
    Brian Goodman
  • Type of entry:
  • Profession:
  • Number of times previously entering contest:
  • Brian's favorite design and analysis tools:
    All of my designs have been developed using either TurboCAD 19 or TurboCAD 2022.
  • Brian's hobbies and activities:
    Stories, Puzzles, and Diamagnetic Field Cylinder
  • Brian belongs to these online communities:
  • Brian is inspired by:
    As someone who also enjoys the development of fiction stories means that I pull inspiration from sci-fi movies, theatrical technologies of the past and the mysterious technologies of today’s unknown aerial phenomena. I am also inspired by the power of magnetic fields and magnetic forces and the technology magnets are incorporated into. I believe strongly that magnets possess an unrealized potential when used in a diamagnetic way. Unfortunately, the cost to discover this unknown potential of magnets is high because of the need to manufacture, assemble, and test magnets aligned in a diamagnetic configuration.
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