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A new Car-Watch Camera (nano-cam) to be installed inside the car pointing on the driver mainly. This camera to be systematically linked to the government traffic department. It will start detecting the driver as the journey begins once the car motor gets powered on.


  • A new Car-Watch Camera (nano-cam) to be installed inside car pointing on the driver mainly.
  • This camera to be built-in inside the car originally.
  • It can be installed beside the car speedometer / tachometer in front of the driver directly.
  • Installing two cameras next to the speedometer, right and left.
  • Both angles will view well the person who is driving arms if one of them is moved from the steering wheel or raised to the driver’s ears to talk through mobile phone or using the mobile during driving.
  • This camera to be systematically linked to the government traffic department.
  • It will start detecting the driver once starting the ride journey once the car motor gets powered on.
  • The installation of this small radar gets installed in new cars before hitting the market.
  • Each car will be having a code numbered according to its own camera.
  • A built-in mobile application to be installed inside the mobile phone (new phones) to sense the small radar camera with a certain distance, once the mobile appears in front of the camera from any side to capture a photo of the driver when he/she raises one of the arms to use the mobile or talk through mobile.
  • The duration of capturing first photo is two minutes, and if the driver continues using the mobile or talking on phone for more than two minutes, then a second picture is taken.
  • Each captured photo has a fine to be paid.
  • If the radar cam gets hidden by any means while driving, it will be considered a violation, because this electronic control will become officially codified to photograph the driver along the trip.


  • The main substantial benefit is letting people afterwards and on mandatory basis to drive well and carefully to prevent any type of accident, else will lead to penalty payments on the other hand (All photographed and recorded).
  • Moreover, preventing any kind of indecent acts inside the car, such as drug use, etc. while driving.
  • Fastening seat belts will be enforced, as you are now being monitored throughout the journey.
  • There is no chance of manipulation if you are in violation as the proof is electronic this time.
  • The implementation of this service for the government may provide opportunities for the development of this small radar in the future as God wills to measure the speed of the car and so on.
  • On the other hand, increasing the income of the government afterwards.


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  • Name:
    Ahmed Qassem
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