The Present Invention Breaks New Ground in Physics, as it is an Apparatus that Will Demonstrate that Positrons can be generated quite easily in Real Time, simply by Electrically Charging a Sphere of Radioactive Fuel (Pu-239, Pu-238, U-238, U-235, or Th-232) to Positive 1.022 MeV. This (just greater than one million volt, voltage boost) can easily be accomplished in a correctly equipped laboratory using a Cockroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier, or by Series Connection of VanDerGraff generators. Positrons and Electrons each have an Einsteinien mass-energy co-efficient of 511 KeV. When a radioactive sphere is positively charged to 1.022 MeV, the quarks in the neutrons and protons will adsorb 511 KeV electrons into the wire that is charging the sphere with positive potential, as the sphere emits 511 KeV positrons (also alpha particles). The alpha particles thus emmited will quickly combine exothermically with electrons to create helium molecules and heat. The positrons thusly produced will travel only a few angstroms from the sphere in the pressurized containment before similarly contacting an electron, whereupon the position and its contact electron will self-annihilate, and thereby emit two OPPOSITELY DIRECTED 511-KeV GAMMA PHOTONS. The Physics of Positrons, once produced, is similar to that seen in PET scanners. The oppositely directed 511-KeV photons LEAVING AN INJECTED PATIENT in a PETScanner interact with adjacent rings of photoluminescent detectors that enable a PETscanner to create a 4-D image of the positron-electron annihilation reactions by geometrically back-projecting the path of the oppositely directed and received 511 KeV photons obtained by this ring of detectors backward into images of the patient. The oppositely directed 511 KeV photons that pass through the walls of THIS TEST CHAMBER are similarly produced by FUSION of electrons in the gases in the chamber interacting with positrons emitted from the 1.022 MeV charged sphere.
So how can we prove that this positively charged sphere is emitting positrons, and why is this important? Simple. Someone at NASA or the DOE or in the Private Sector, PLEASE HELP ME to set up TWO standard radiation detectors (or standard Anger Gamma cameras) on either side of this test chamber. COUNTING COINCIDENCE PHOTONS WILL PROVE THIS INVENTION!!!! These opposed detectors should feed computer x and y position data from each flash recorded on each gamma camera, and the computer should be programmed to make images from both cameras on a screen that records coincident photons. If positrons are being produced in Real Time, there will be two separate images of Annihilation Plasmas around the sphere, and sets of high resolution 180 degree co-incidence-counted opposed 511-KeV photon beams will be registered in the data.
This experiment paves the way for Future Matter-Anti-Matter Reactors such as that which I previously briefly described in my prior entry into this Contest that was titled: "Transparent Aluminum Slam Dome Nuclear Safety Apparatus," which invention depends on continuous production of Alpha Particles, Positrons, and Hydrogen Gas in real time to create 1460 degree C 362 -psi plasma and steam that will produce 52GW of continuous AC.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Harvey Kaplan
- Type of entry:individual
- Patent status:pending