A Solar-Powered Generator with Zero Mechanical Drag Effects

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A zero counter Magneto-Motive-Force (MMF) Drag Advance Alternator Technology is a new discovery and solution in the electricity power generating system. The new machine is designed to solve the lingering problems facing all conventional alternators in the market, especially low energy efficiency and electrical load capacity limit, sustainability challenges, plus an ever demanding torque to maintain its rated voltage under load, big size of the prime-mover over alternator, cost of fueling, exhausts problem, and periodic maintenance.

To solve these challenges, research and development activities are conducted on various alternators in the market, to the extent, the car alternator because it sucks a lot of torque-Nm from the vehicle-engine mechanical power released to sustain its synchronous speed of driven machine. Apart other range of alternators powered by fossil-fuel run engines are examined and tested with various rated electrical output loads. The results shown all experienced similar challenges with capacity ranging from 1kW-10kW; plus up-to series megawatts output types run by primers like gas-turbine, wind –turbine, hydroelectric etc, once it is an alternator regardless of its prime-mover deployed; its bound to suffer from foregoing challenges and others led to using tactics and techniques at our disposal to perform various research and development activities span over 20years to solve. And arrived at a ground-breaking approach and solutions: mechanically and structurally defeated Lenz’s effect, and solve inevitable issue whenever an alternator output supply is loaded per time at Dorcasey Renewable Energy Technologies –DRET located in Ilesha –East, Osun State, Nigeria.

Significantly, research fact findings led to a small 500 Watt prototype built with a zero counter MMF drag advance alternator technology to evidence this discovery and explore its potentials to a full scale, and to maintain a zero emission added value, energy input source to the electricity power generating system preferred is Solar (free energy source). The prototype machine built was subjected to vigorous tests including stator coil winding destructive short-circuiting of output terminals done by connecting together live and neutral wires and others.
Surprisingly, the prime-mover (40W) electric-motor employed sustain all these trials without extra input energy at 17Watts from 100Wp solar PV, maintained synchronous speed plus output Voltage; no coil burnt, worked smoothly for 10 hours test under sunshine period.

Moreover, availability of untapped sunrays energy in Nigeria per square meter at over 7.5kW peak period and other countries lie on same altitude including united –states made it more robust in terms of feasibility, and again availability of free input energy required during the daytime made it superior over others. Apart, new alternator technology product variants could also runs on other prime-movers to generate electricity power: fossil-fuel engines, wind-turbine, hydro-plants, thermal-turbine plants etc, so as to extent its applications and potentials from all various mechanical systems deployed for a better utilization and sustainability.

Therefore, new alternator technology efficiency over a conventional types encouraged its scale-up approach: a solar powered perpetual motion advance 10kW (12.5kVA) electricity power generating set is proposed and widen its potential applications with overall zero emission benefit.


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Osundahunsi Seyi Ayodele
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