Sustainable Technologies
How the entry works: The design creates shadow and solar cells produce electricity from the sun at the same time.
What makes it novel, Does it represent an important advance over current state of the art?: Design, combination of materials, can complement the existing structures,
Wintergardens and many other buildings run hot during summer time. If there is no control, it might be rather hot in the rooms, if sun burns down.
The invention is not really big, but it works fine: if the sun shines,
All regions the world over with high temperature weather are suffering from consumed power by air conditioners, where this consumed power is localized in a compressor. This design is generated to solve this problem.
1. Nature of Technology/Product
The Solar Mill concept is a method of integrating two different forms of solar energy collection into one efficient system. This coupling enables us to harvest energy from a wider range in the electromagnetic spectrum.
My Solar Tracking Window Unit is a solar tracking system that hangs out of a window and tracks the sun using a method of triagularzation. It consist of three sensors: one on the right, one one the left, and one in the top center of the solar panel,
Solar Turbines are a self-contained system for utilizing environmentally available radiant energy to provide a new source of electricity. The lightweight device relies on a 19th-century concept that uses 21st-century technology. As a renewable source of energy,
1.The project is mainly focused on an alternative way, best way to get fresh water...almost any place.
2. Its potential is to purify water & can cook in an easier and faster way.
3. It's totally focused on getting maximum radiation absorption from the sun, no electricity required,
Formed from ceramic tiles imbibe solar-thermal energy in full-spectrum! Coupled with a heat-fed dynamo the panel acts like a DC battery which may be connected series or parallel. In addition, in AC mode the central A plate synchronizes all the other plates.
The first classical transistor was invented at Bell Labs in 1947, which gave rise to the electronics industry of the 20th century. However, Moore’s law – which has described the rapid technological developments of this industry – will soon come to an end.
In simple terms let's say you have a spacecraft and then you have a huge rubber band on the pinpoint of the nose. You pull back on the rubber band and point at the direction you want to go.
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