Smart Trash Tin

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This is simply a product that will allow consumers to get rid of the unwanted flying insects in their surroundings. Usually the flying insects such as mosquitoes appear inside our homes where there is no fresh air, because of the internal humidity, and the leftover food. Both of the previously mentioned elements forms an excellent environment for the flies, mosquitoes, and other insects to live, to breed, and to grow happily and healthy causing us terrible times in our comfort places, such as our homes or our places of shopping.

And while the usually known trash tins nowadays are a good source for these insects to grow, the idea of the Smart Trash Tin came up! But the question that applies now is...

What is it the Smart Trash Tin?
It's all about a combination of a hardware and a software, that will emit a purple light to attract mosquitoes and once they reach the Smart Trash Tin they will be buried inside. Simultaneously the Smart trash Tin will breath out a good scent by burning a type of incense in a timely manner. (We can take control of this process.)

And that leads us to another question:
What are the components of the Smart Trash Tin?
1) a silver vertical trash tin (cylindrical shape)
2) a purple light (to attract the insects)
3) a fan (to help bring out the burned incense)
3) a thermo component (to burn the incense)
4) a small tray where the incense will be placed
5) the electronic board (that will contain an arduino)

And to connect all the dots together I need to answer this last question:
How will the Smart Trash Tin work?
The purple light will be on top the Silver Tin in a circular shape to attract the unwanted flying insects, and once they touch the Smart Trash Tin they will stick inside.
- Secondly the Arduino will send a pulse to the thermo element to heat the tray so that the incense will be burned.
- Then another signal will be sent to the thermo element to turn it off.
Right after that an electric signal will be sent to the fan so that the incense smoke will be ejected out of the Exhaustion Hatches from the top of the Smart Trash Tin.
And finally, another electric signal will be sent to the fan to turn it off.

Note: operating the thermo element and the fan will be organized in a timely, mannered process., (I suggest to make it 15 seconds for the thermo element, then after 1 sec, the fan will be operated for 5 seconds). This process will be repeated every 30 mins or 45 mins. We will have the option to control this as well.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Eslam Hashim
  • Type of entry:
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