The concept ESP (Energy Saving Pod)

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The concept ESP (Energy Saving Pod) Aesthetically and Technically designed as:

1. Two seater Lightweight Mobility work in either Drive battery (Mode B) or other fuel sources
Mode (O) for ((Petrol, Diesel, Ethanol) with high efficiency designed low rpm and high output Alternator.
2.. Compact, Aerodynamic and Omni-directional wheels for easy Maneuverability.
3. When parking it can easily turn the vehicle into vertical axis, so that it occupies less space (approx 750 mm as
designed less than a space where 2 people of average weight of 60 to 70 kg can stand behind one another).
4. Dye Sensitized Nano solar cells (Inexpensive to manufacture, Flexible, higher efficiency).

The best part of the ESP, it can function in either mode B or O as mentioned above. The flow of energy cycle
or the circuit diagram will be the same keeping constant the High output Designed Alternator placement.

If working in Mode O, the process followed:

In this Energy Saving Cycle(ESC) Technology , the Internal Combustion Engine(ICE) helps the vehicle to displace initially while starting the Vehicle engine. Since at the front axle, the mechanism is designed such that both the axle shaft at half Left and half Right(Front Drive shaft) which is inside the axle tube acts as an an high output Alternator(As per concept designed the high efficiency Alternator provides High output voltage at Low rpm of the wheel).The rotating axle acts as a Rotor of the Alternator as the axle moves with the hub connected to the wheel.Thus front wheel axle acts as Inbuilt shaft cum High output Alternator. Before starting a Vehicle, the circuit of IC engine is in Normally Open(NO) condition. As the engine powers the vehicle via Control Panel the IC Engine circuit turns in NC(Normally close)position whereas the circuit of Alternator remains open(Normally open).Here the arrangement is such that the IC Engine is connected to the Front Wheel and the DC motor which is mounted at the Rear Inwheel. When the vehicle displaces at /above 30 kmph,(mechanically desired speed required by the alternator to generate voltage) the sensor senses and determines the condition, the Voltage is generated via Alternator and the supply is transferred to the DC motor via Control panel.Further, the NO terminal(Alternator) switches to NCand the NC terminal (IC engine )switches to NO. Because of this switching management of control panel the IC engine circuit gets bypassed leaving the Alternator Voltage to run the vehicle. Hence, the DC motor moves the vehicle and the Alternator keeps on generatIng the Voltage.The cycle continues until the vehicle run below 30kmph.Thus it is an effective way of cutting down the consumption of the traditional fuel source.

This technology works in the same way for the Drive battery if it is placed instead of IC Engine where Dye sensitized Nanosolar Cells absorb the sunlight and provides power to Drive battery via Charge controller.

The ESC technology helps to eliminate the battery weight if solely runs on Mode O unlike hybrid .Hence ,it is an effective technology and concept to reduce carbon emissions and be eco friendly.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Suraj Dubey
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Autodesk Alias,Keyshot, Photoshop CS5
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