Portable Hybrid Powered Intelligent Special Multiplex Prospect Machine

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For small scale workshops, it would be costlier to buy & install huge machines which would be suitable for performing singular & precise operations alone. Moreover, in these small scale workshops, job type or batch type of production process is carried out, which always insists the need for developing a multiplex prospect machine, which paves a way for doing these operations & production processes in an economical manner. The portable hybrid powered intelligent special multiplex prospect machine consists of mechanisms for five different tools for performing diverse operations including drilling, grinding, sheet (including plates & switch boards) cutting, shaping and power saw machining and powered both by means of electricity & solar panel, fitted together with height adjustable & portable machine vices with wheel arrangements. Apart from this, the special multiplex prospect machine is intelligent enough to be operational using a specially designed mobile app & cloud computing concepts. This means, that this intelligent special multiplex prospect machine can be made operational by the operator (who is in a distant location) through his mobile phone by giving commands through the specially designed app and transferring these commands using the cloud computing principle and the sensors fitted in this machine, receives the commands and performs the given operations.

This intelligent special multiplex prospect machine also consists of a pallet jack, which makes it possible for us to move the machines to our places of requirement. The entire set up & structure of the portable hybrid powered intelligent special multiplex prospect machine comprises of an rigid metal casing, base & frames along with pulleys, shafts, bevel gears for transmitting power, scotch yoke type mechanism and chain & sprocket arrangements along with high torque electric motor. The set up & structure of the portable hybrid powered intelligent special multiplex prospect machine also houses a solar panel fitted on a tiltable platform, two high power storage capacity, rechargeable battery units, one for storing the power generated from the solar panel (which can be used in times of power loss or during low sunlight environmental conditions) & another battery unit for running the machine, switches for on/off operations, buttons & knobs for regulating the speed & for changing the directions. The portable hybrid powered intelligent special multiplex prospect machine consists of five different tools namely grinding wheel for doing grinding process, power saw blade for performing power saw machining, drill bit along with height adjustable drill bit holder & handle for carrying out drilling operation, v – shaped tool for accomplishing shaping operation, rigid cutter wheel for cutting sheets (including plates & switch boards).

Moreover, taking into consideration, the concept of saving power & torque, special arrangements were incorporated in this machine for performing only required machining operation as per the job requirement. The machine also comprises an height adjustable & portable machine vice fitted with wheels. The wheels fitted with these vices enable the movement of these vices to different parts of this machine in an easy manner.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Sevvel P
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    P.Sevvel V.jaiganesh V.G.Kalyanavaradhan N.Gowtham
  • Patent status: