High-Performance Liquid-Cooled Edge System that Goes Anywhere – Even a Boiler Room

Votes: 7
Views: 2217

LiquidCool Solutions developed the LCS Edge, a purpose-built, high performance-computing appliance that revolutionizes the Internet of Things (IoT).

The issue with IoT is the massive amounts of data overloading today’s cloud models. Cloud computing is not designed to handle the volume, variety, and velocity of data IoT generates and the problem will only get worse as more IoT devices are deployed. Moving data from sensors to the cloud for analysis requires massive amounts of bandwidth, and networks already are congested. Pipelines are so crowded the opportunity to act on information may be gone by the time it reaches the cloud for processing. If IoT continues to grow at its current pace the entire system will collapse under its own weight.

LiquidCool Solutions solves this problem by helping organizations manage the broad impact and critical elements of the IoT network with the LCS Edge. It’s a liquid-cooled device that enables computing and storage at the Internet’s edge in close proximity to mobile devices and sensors. The LCS Edge facilitates the move away from centralized computing to real-time processing at the source – with an entire host of benefits that no other edge systems can claim.

The LCS Edge is unique. It’s a compact, total liquid immersion, high-powered computing appliance that fits anywhere – the office, a boiler room or even outdoors. It provides unparalleled computing power and uses 40% less energy than alternative systems. The LSC Edge uses off-the-shelf components and can be custom configured with high-power processors to specification. The LCS Edge requires no air conditioning and, at 1.5 meters high and 1 meter in depth, it’s a much smaller package than air-cooled systems. It requires no mechanical refrigeration, evaporative cooling or rack fans. It does not need CRAC units or raised floors. No water is required. In most applications there are no fans and, as a result, there is no noise. Servers last longer because electronics are isolated from the environment. There are no moving parts within the device enclosures, which eliminates a major source of failure.

The LCS Edge is proprietary technology built for portability and durability, and has been extensively tested in national laboratories and in the field. IT hardware can be installed quickly and operate reliably in a variety of environments previously considered off-limits such as harsh conditions like extreme temperatures, salt air or desert sand.

The LCS Edge is a cost effective way to harness the full potential of IoT. Until now, latency reduction efforts have focused primarily on upgrading infrastructure to increase network capacity. However, the time and cost implications of these projects can be formidable. The LCS Edge solves this problem by distributing the load over many small-scale data centers instead of a single large facility.

Edge computing is lauded as the next multibillion-dollar tech market, and the LCS Edge is the most elegant and green solution by far for data acquisition and control functions, storage of high bandwidth content, and applications computing at the edge of the network.


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  • Name:
    Herb Zien
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Herb Zien David Roe Rick Tufty
  • Profession:
    Business Owner/Manager
  • Herb is inspired by:
    Constant reinvention is essential for long-term success in any business yet the data center industry, including cloud computing, remains decades behind the rest of the digital world. This industry has been under the false assumptions that air is an appropriate coolant. It’s not. Air is an insulator with low heat capacity and virtually no thermal mass. LiquidCool Solutions is driven by the need to improve upon today’s data center industry with elegant and future-proof liquid cooled computing solutions that reduces data centers’ carbon footprint and real estate needs and, eliminates their need for water.
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