ECW functions like an elephant trunk, but, instead of a nostril, a cows tongue type device, or, mini car wash.
ECW, arm movement, functions via well know technology, such as 3D printing and robotics, guided by color and by auto exterior CAD details ~
ECW, mini car wash, functions, via a SCRUBBER, 1” wide at this time, which, is held to the auto surface via common magnets and vacuum, trimmed by wheels.
SCRUBBER, removes surface particles without scratching, and, is looped continually, to a particle remover, a wringer, a water applicator, and, back to removing particles, etc. etc etc.
VACUUM, sucks or vacates all particles to CENTRAL CONTROL.
PARK THE CAR, TURN IT ON, IN THE MORNING, CLEAN MACHINE. Surely, people love their clean machines.
1. ECW consumes, one gallon of water or less, per washed car. View Professional Car Wash data, and, see, the millions of gallons of fresh water, saved, in one year, in the USA, and, extrapolate that to the world, and, it is immense and gushingly green for the world. There are plants, in Death Valley dying of thirst.
2. Instead of spending hundreds per year, going to the car wash, one buys this; magnetically connects it to the garage door opener box, fills or connects to water and then electric, and, places the centering dime, runs a pre program run, to check tracking aberrations which may exist, and, as Jackie Gleason always said, away we go!
3. It will change the car wash industry, and, make the auto industry, much greener, erasing much of the grimy image.
4. Further development will include cleaning the interior.
5. It can be installed on a rail system in large parking areas, and, if someone wants a wash, while they go to the coffee shop, they simply order it, on their phone, or other.
6. It saves people lots of money, per year.
7. It provides great pleasure to auto enthusiasts.
Etc. etc. etc.
1. It would be produced in the USA.
2. Mass production, a sure thing.
3. Price would be around 200 bucks, using methodology in manufacturing.
All over the world.
Man, who would not love this?
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About the Entrant
- Name:Leo Schraeder
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:CAD
- Patent status:pending