Curedan - The Smart Dustbin

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Views: 4857

Curedan is a smart dustbin which converts organic waste to electricity. This organic waste is converted to electricity via microbial fuel cells. This electricity is then transferred to a safer place and then be distributed to places with low electricity power.

Curedan has a screen which shows an animation of the house being lit up when garbage is deposited (in other words, showing that electricity has been supplied to them). This encourages the user to deposit garbage in the dustbin itself. It will keep a score of how much garbage is deposited for each individual as a type of game. The screen will also display how many homes will get electricity from the garbage deposited. Curedan will have a RFID system in which it can appropriately account the amount of garbage that particular individual deposited.

Curedan is not just an ordinary dustbin. This dustbin will make people clean their surrounding un-intentionally. Another issue is solved, which is providing electricity to areas with low electricity power. The high scores will be displayed on screen. This makes the people attracted and addicted to Curedan. Instead of considering Curedan as dirty and boring, it can be fun and useful. Curedan will change that thinking of the people and will make people clean their surroundings.

Curedan can be manufactured by using rotational molding process. it would require microbial fuel cells which is currently under development for small scale usage.

Curedan can help in reducing garbage waste which is the root cause of air and water pollution. This encourages in the making of this product since pollution is increasing every year.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Nester Mendes
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Solidworks, Keyshot
  • Patent status: