Make Rivers Perennial To Banish Drought For Ever

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In this year, India has faced unprecedented drought and water scarcity. Rivers/ dams dried up affecting agriculture and may impact GDP, inflation, growth rate etc.

Can we take control and make sure that our rivers never run dry; dams are always filled with water? It will be a game changer if we can make this happen in a short span of time. This will be true game changer for the Indian economy. Agriculture will improve. No more farmer suicides. We can have many cycles of crops. Food shortages can be ended. GDP will be driven by agriculture. This project will immediately create huge job opportunities – to design and execute the project in many organizations.


We all have some day conducted distillation experiment in School as shown in Fig 1. Now imagine this being performed over large geographical distances over hundreds of kilometers.

Seawater evaporates. The moist air forms clouds in the higher reaches of the atmosphere and is pushed around by the wind over the land. Rain water comes down by gravity over the land. If it rains in the catchment area, rivers are formed.

Humid air is formed by Sun’s energy over the sea. Winds carry the moist / humid air in a particular direction. All we need is to capture the humid air by large funnels placed on inflatable like floating platform anchored in the sea. The mouth of the funnel is directed towards the wind by suitable mechanism to capture maximum wind. The captured wind is directed by insulated pipes laid on the river bed over hundreds of kilometers and let the moisture condense into water drops in a forest region in the catchment area at the head or intermediate region along the river?


Entire process of formation of moisture by Sun’s energy, piping it and conversion back to water is done by normal process without adding any man made energy. Entire process is based on renewable energy sources. What we need is to convert this into industrial scale project, compute how much of humid air, at what wind speeds and what is the diameter of the pip and convert to water e, how to lay insulated pipes to prevent water formation within the pipe and condense to water drops at the end.

All calculations have been done in excel sheet to compute wind speeds, length of pipe line, dia of pipe line, dia of moth of the funnel, number of funnels to be placed to ensure certain amount of water is formed every day at the end of the pipe. This process can happen almost over 300 days and may stretch beyond sunshine hours too. Unable to attach excel sheet calculations due to word limitation.
This concept could be applied to drought prone regions in other parts of the world too.


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  • Name:
    Mohan Divekar
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