Hinary Processor

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The new Hinary processor is a system of using a decimal or higher number system in the processor; I also designed a sample circuit for representing decimal system electronically using transistors, which was a major hurdle in designing such a system.This concept exponentially increases serial processing as well as parallel processing capability. For example in an 8bit length data a binary system can process only 2^8 (256) but in a quintal system can process 4^8 (65536) bits of information. Quintal system can process a square of number of data than binary number. If single instructions like “shift” or “add” take a cluster of transistors called a “unit cell.” Then an octal number system based processors can execute 8^n times numbers per cycle using n unit cells compared to 2^n numbers executed by binary computers. For example: - in an 8bit length data a binary system can process only 2^8 (256) but in a octal system can process 8^8 (16777216 or 16million) bits of information.

Working- For higher nry processor there is no role for Boolean algebra, we have to use the normal algebraic operations like +,-,x,÷,…etc.

Addition can be taken care by combining two input digits of input numbers. Carry of addition has to be taken care of as usual. Multiplication can be taken care of by simple voltage amplifier. The multiplication is done by following way, reduce voltage of one of input digit by the number of times equal to the base of number system used (if 256nry number system is used reduce voltage by a factor of 256) using an electronic voltage regulator. Then this digit and second input digit is fed through inputs of a voltage amplifier in such a way that output voltage is equal to multiplication of these inputs by choosing single correct gain of amplification. Use the integer part of output as carry and number after the dot (after decimal in number system with base 10) should be amplified by a gain equal to the base of number system used. To get the primary digit of product, carry is inverted and combined with result of first amplification and then that is amplified by gain equal to base of number system used to get the primary digit. For example:- to multiply 7 and 3 in decimal number system, first reduce voltage of a digit by factor of 10, then the numbers will be:
0.7 x 3=2.1

2 is the carry and 2 is inverted and added to 2.1 to get 0.1, and then 0.1 is amplified by a gain of 10 and result is 21 which is equal to 7x3=21; this circuit is for one digit position and for multiple digits repeat this process and add them just like manual multiplication. Shift operation is similar to binary system and can be used to take care of carry of this arithmetic operation. Similarly division and subtraction can be done by operations like inversion.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Diji Jayakaran
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    COMSOL and Matlab
  • Patent status: