Forward bicycle pedaling only transfers the torque to the wheel. Reverse pedaling doesn’t transfer the torque to the wheel, due to free wheel. So forward pedaling only requires pedal effort and it will vary depends upon load and vehicle type (bicycle, tricycle & handicapped cycle). For reverse pedaling no pedal effort is required and it will be the same for all the above.
In my proposal, reverse movement of the pedal, used to wind the clock/spiral spring (some pedal effort is required) to store the energy and release the energy for forward movement. For example, to move the cycle, usually your regular pedal effort (say 60 Newton force) is only used, but in the proposed cycle to move your regular pedal effort (say 60 Newton force) + stored energy (say 40 Newton force) applied to the cycle..
So the bicycle moves faster with less pedal effort by fixing the spring in crank axle.
Thanks & regards,
Siva shanmugam
+91 9962640200
- Name:Siva Shanmugam
- Type of entry:individual
- Profession:
- Number of times previously entering contest:1
- Siva's hobbies and activities:Creating innovative products
- Siva belongs to these online communities:What's up (9962640200)
- Patent status:pending