Emission Free Hybrid Motorcycle/3-wheeler

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In usage emission free hybrid motorcycle where the vehicle is moved with hydraulic pressure, which again is produced by electric-motor-driven hydraulic pump. After first simulations this system would achieve >8h autonom net driving time withot need to fill either electric accu or hydraulic accu.

Full autonomy is quaranteed by hand pump for hydraulics, and continous loading of electric accus by generator.


Light Li-Ion accus drive clean DC motor.
Hydraulical pressurised system works with very high efficiency, can produce remarkable power in a few seconds (calculatuoins show ability to accelerate 200kg vehicke from 0=>150 km/h in 6 seconds), recuperation of hydraulic pressure during braking face.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Reino Eskelinen
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Excel, Mathlab/Simulink in preparation
  • Patent status: