The new P.A.W.N. project (Pollutant Automated Wireless Node) is a significant and innovative part of the integrated hardware-software solution which embraces a wide scope of civil aviation environmental impact factors and is being developed to implement a sophisticated approach to environmental analysis on different scales: from local air quality and noise impact to on-cruise pollutant and greenhouse gas emission. The integrated solution is intended to assist in three main objectives of environmental analysis: 1) evaluation and quantification; 2) monitoring and forecasting; 3) mitigation and optimization. The motivation of this work is to improve and create methodologies and tools to meet modern standards and apply cutting-edge technologies for solving aviation related environmental problems and perform corresponding advanced analysis for ICAO/CAEP, air transport system (airports/aircraft operators), aircraft industry and decision makers.
The energy-efficient Intel Edison module with the sensors installed provides a firm and affordable basis for continuous aviation environmental impact monitoring system which being combined with easily scalable Microsoft Azure Cloud services and already developed and verified within ICAO CAEP Modeling and Database Group KEEPER and PEGASUS codes creates a brilliant tool for evaluating and forecasting of aviation environmental and climate impact.
The KEEPER model is a special application used for the environmental analysis of the aircraft types with the bypass engines installed. The important part of the procedure is the statistical analysis of the engine generations and other available data sets from the standpoint of bypass engine thermodynamic cycle that were applied to provide data projections and scenarios modeling. This provides feedback to other aircraft industry units and optimization routines for the air traffic and environmental departments.
The local air quality (LAQ) software tool PEGASUS (Pollution Evaluator from General Airport Sources – Unified Solution) has already been applied to a number of huge projects including the LAQ analysis for Haneda Tokyo International Airport.
The aircraft-centered approach used in the unified solution in combination with the in-house noise modelling tool and/or Integrated Noise Model (INM) offers an integrated environmental protection analysis (including PM and GHG). In addition to potential applications for aircraft design, the approach presented may also be applied to the multilateral optimization of the air traffic, procedural and technological aspects of the aircraft environmental impact. There is a number of application scenarios considered to provide greater flexibility and increase positive outcomes of the project with cutting costs and saving human and time resources.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Yury Medvedev
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:In-house developed codes verified by CAEP ICAO
- Patent status:none