1>8 Touch Screen

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As my invention name is 1>8 Touch Screen, this means 2 screens -- one screen is bigger and another screen smaller. Today we have a mobile revolution as well as tablets. People buy both mobile as well tablets and some people even have a computer, tablet and mobile. 3 of them means more expenditure for people.

To cut the cost as well as less luggage in travelling daily routine to office to home, I I came with revolution to 2 screens -- one screen which can be placed in the office or at home and another screen is mobile.

1>8 Touch Screen which means one big screen size of 7 to 10 inch which we can be installed in home or office and another screen is mobile with present screen 3 to 5 inch.

How its works: It's simple technology. For example, take any 2 old mobiles, unscrew the body, in one mobile after unscrewing remove the screen only with its wire plug and attach to second mobile socket screen with extra soldering and wiring work.

Now put the batteries start it Power ON Switch you will see both screens will work.  As this invention is on touch screen may software will be required as I work on normal ordinary mobile its work.

So my innovation same way one mobile with socket attachment made and another big Touch Screen just plug it, get the benefit of watching big screen same as tablet. so why people will would buy tablet.

As one screen is big means more electric current but that's no problem it can plug recharge continuously.

This product can help in hospitals so that doctors and nurses keep their records up-to date even it can be useful for business, politicans, etc, etc,............

Image is copy from google.com means my invention will look some what same. It was submitted in inventwithnokia.com in 2014

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Sadesh Devaki
  • Type of entry:
  • Patent status: