Thin film resistors are becoming the mainstay for hybrid microcircuits.
Integral part of the metal interconnect system.
Offer greater design latitude to the circuit designer; can be laser trimmed with high precision and stability in hermetic packages.
The thermoelectric effect is a reversible effect that allows the direct conversion between thermal energy and electric energy, without any intermediate step. This effect plays a key role in sensing, in generating electricity and cooling. The first examples of thin film thermoelectric devices are currently entering the market.
A novel tested technology for cooling electronic circuitry is available, also useful in many other industries. The method is called “Thin Cavity Fluidic Heat Exchanger”, abbreviated TCFHE. Technology details can be viewed at the U.S. Patent and Trademark website, application 20100078155.
The TCFHE is a simply constructed, small volume,
A major drawback with available thumbscrew type products is that sometimes not enough torque can be applied without a separate tool to clamp parts or engage a lock feature which is usually a requirement. The integral wrench greatly increases the torque applied to the screw.
This time stop machine automobile contains the following details. Two electrostatic bearings that are spheres shown in pink. Two pico-lasers, one two stop and one to move, which can be either gamma-ray lasers that utilize dipositronium or a more futuristic pico-laser a constant/variable neutrino laser beam.
This is a new wheel assembly in a combination of a rim, tire and a hoop member that encircles the outer periphery of the tire. The hoop member is a combination of two rigid circular bands of metal spaced apart and restrained by a rigid bracing.
This simple equipment is designed to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness level regarding time and material spent in tire manufacturing processes.
In current textile plies knitwork stage as initial process to make casing plies,
Today, data is collected globally from multiple sources via GPS and other handheld devices, stored in the cloud and left to the user to figure out the value of this data, and what to do with it.
I have some bad news: every depiction of people in space that you have ever seen, every movie, every SF short story, is complete rubbish! Reality has shot down our dreams.
This problem jumped out at us from new data on radiation safety for humans in space,
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