Is AIDS Completely Curable?
Yes, my research shows it is possible. As of 2010, approximately 34 million people have HIV globally. The present cure available for HIV is stem cell transplant from a person resistant to the virus and this has been achieved only once.
This is a device to aid those who wear prosthetic limbs. The current state of the art is a multilayer system that consists of a cotton sock and a silicone rubber sock that fits over the limb.
The First Dynamic Spherical Harmonic Quantum Chemistry Visual Simulator
Embossing is an intelligent way to make life easy for blind people. Buttons, types, even banknotes carry embossing for the blind.
Recent technology can scan objects as 3D point cloud with laser or infrared beam,
Abstract: Study of Lizard DNA and their ability to regrow their tail again & as there is some human part that also regrow like hair and nails, study of the amino acids & proteins that are responsible for the growth.
Penetrating the skull to measure intracranial pressure is an important intervention for diagnosing raised intracranial pressure following head trauma. Studies show that 1.7 million people suffer from head injury annually in the U.S., totaling $60 billion in costs.
Semi-Rigid Supporting Insole (SRSI)
Background: Bone spurs are formed as a result of continued stress on a particular area of the bone. They are most commonly found in areas which sustain large pressures – hips, feet and shoulders. Although they are usually small and smooth,
A PCR machine is required for every single procedure, test, or experiment involving DNA that you can think of. It is good for replicating DNA a few billion-fold, but is most often used to amplify specific sequences of DNA strands,
Small OS for various mobile equipment including medical.
Reliable, fast, simple and clear.
Launches user programs from micro SD/SD cards.
Includes the users' API.
Permits low-lever hardware devices access.
Get ready time after power on/reset as little as one second.
Network Client/Server support.
Footprint about 30 K bytes.
Smart cardiologist is an embedded system that performs acquisition of EKG and temperature, real-time signal processing on ECG, draws many important conclusions out of it, and then uploads the final data to GSM services and cloud services (optional).
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