Innovation: To my knowledge no previous devices using acoustics have been manufactured to detect fires in homes just prior to become a full blaze.
Fire Suppression Screen
Fires of many different types and sizes can be suppressed mechanically by use of a properly configured metal mesh screen.
A characteristic of a fine metal mesh screen is that flame will not penetrate the plane of the mesh screen;
Physical exercise is must for all human beings to lead a healthy life. Ancient times it came from our day to day activities. In present world urban people are busy with their work and living a mechanized life.
Saves valuable wall space by allowing user to hang flat screen televisions and pc monitors in the corner of any room. The bracket remains completely hidden behind the tv screen/ monitor. U.S. Patent #7,883,066. This system has only 3 parts,
In the future, whole fields of solar systems will become increasingly important for electrical power generation. The question is where best to build such solar systems. Ideally, where there is plenty of sunlight. In development and test are solar plants in deserts. There are two challenges, however.
Floor Surface Safety Lamp
Walking and stumbling in the dark bedroom at night is a major cause of accidents in the home. Stepping on the dog, the child’s toy, forgotten shoes, or slipping on a slippery surface will tumble both the old and the young.
In most geothermal reservoirs, i.e. North German Basin, fluid flow is mainly controlled by the permeability of fracture network. Permeability of an individual fracture is proportional to the cube of its aperture, and fractures that form their own pathways are mostly vertical. In this study, dip-slip fault,
An aircraft cockpit canopy/windshield embedded/inlaid with a precision milled aerodynamically perforated fine (thin-slender) flowing smooth titanium or other strong metal composition mesh, jet engine intake port with a precision milled aerodynamically perforated spiraling down-sloping furrowing fine (thin-slender) flowing smooth titanium/other strong metal composition mesh,
This is my concept of a flying saucer's propulsion system. This is a shaftless turbine fan. The fan hovers sandwiched at the axis extreme between an opposing magnetic system, which provides frictionless bearing support.
The whole world is facing a water crisis. Every drop of water is precious and to be saved. We waste a lot of water in our daily life. Most of the water is wasted while washing the face, brushing teeth, shaving and cleaning utensils in a kitchen.
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