A Self-sustaining Mosquito Larvae Killer

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Described herein is a design for a self-sustaining electro-mechanical mosquito larvae killer.

As is well known mosquito infestation is one of the leading killers of the indigenous population in many countries. Many chemical solutions are available for treating the local area but for various reasons are not used.

This device is designed to kill mosquito larvae at the source; in the water where they live. Mosquito larvae float at the surface of the water where they extend their abdomens above the surface to breathe in air.

The unit contains a solar cell array arranged around the surface of the unit. Internal to the unit is a completely sealed rechargeable battery and associated charging and conditioning circuitry along with a low-power microcontroller. Simple sensors only allow the unit to run only when it is in the water and timers run the motor in cycles.

A motor with an impeller is arranged at the surface of the water designed to pull water into the internal cylinder. The cylinder contains another impeller with very sharp edges. As the mosquitos are “sucked” into the inlet from the surface of the water they are “pulled” down through the sharp spinning blades and “chopped up” into little pieces where they then are squirted back into the water. The chopped up mosquitos are then reduced to food for fish and other beneficial organisms in the water.

The unit can be free floating so that it floats along on currents around the body of water, or anchored so that they remain in one spot.

The entire unit can be made from recycled plastics and made to be completely disposable.

This unit finds use in not only countries with a mosquito problem but also in backyard ponds and areas where there is free standing water such as parks and golf courses.

Concept and design: Mike Tripoli, SCARY Design
Copyright (c) Mike Tripoli 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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  • Name:
    Mike Tripoli
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Solidworks 2010
  • Patent status: