ForkoaLoz is intended to be used for Landmine Detection and Deactivation using Robotics and HCI techniques. Also the model has a fail-safe mechanism to "jump' away" in case of a wrong turn with the landmine. The model will be spider-like to be able to work in harsh environments. The end effector will be "hand-shaped" to be controlled by a human via a wireless antenna. The detection will be done using GPR device to reduce false alarms. The deactivation will be done in 2 stages. First the hands will be used to dig the ground to make the landmine visible. Second the human will disarm the landmine using talent. The robot will be able to run automatically to detect and finish the first stage of deactivation. The human will be involved in a second stage later. The system can do its automatic job for the whole mine field then the human can complete his part later. The system will be equipped with a high sensitive sound sensor to detect whether the landmine trigger is fired so it can jump away using the fail-safe mechanism. This mechanism will use a compressed string connected to a lever, when the trigger is fired the string will be released and the lever will hit the ground causing the robot to jump into the air away from the explosion area. The robot will be covered with rubber to reduce landing effects and will be equipped with small parachute to ease the landing. In case of wrong landing the robot hands can be used to restore the correct orientation. The detection process will use computer algorithm to analyze the signals received from the GPR. The robot will be equipped also with a camera that the human-controller will use with deactivation the landmine and restoring orientation. Also the robot will use solar cells for recharging in case or large missions (large minefield). The robot generally speaking will inexpensive. The costly part will be the GPR module and the end effector design.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Ahmed Saber
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:Microsoft Word 2007
- Patent status:none