Earthquake Detector

Votes: 2
Views: 4423

This device provides an early warning for earth quakes.
especially when we are asleep. The detector will be housed
in a package similar to the omnipresent fire detectors,
battery operated and wall mounted.
The sensitivity is comparable to that of some animals
that are able to detect low frequency vibrations before
most humans can.This provides a bit earlier warning than
we would otherwise obtain.
The device would be most useful in states like California
and other earthquake prone countries and areas. We have
experienced many recent after shocks in San Diego,Ca since
a recent 7.2 event near the Mexican border.
One application would automatically turn off natural gas
lines when a seismic event occurs. This would prevent many
uneccesary fires. We have built a prototpe unit for evaluation but not the final package. The device sounds an
audible alarm similar to the European Police dual tone type
so as not to be confused with the home type fire alarm sound.
The components consist of a dual-axis accelerometer,
amplifier with audible generator, microprocessor and a
threshold adjust circuit to prevent false alarms. Run
by a stndard 9 volt battery and form similar to the home
fire detector.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Bob Page
  • Type of entry:
  • Hardware used for this entry:
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  • Patent status: